Keeper Of Wisdom
Stone: Labradorite
The matriarch of the subconscious, powerful Earth Medicine for facilitating communication with our highest self.
Beautifully wrapped in copper wire, this powerful tool aids in accessing the deep reaches of the psyche, bringing about profound inner growth and ancestral healing.
Hecate is Goddess of the Triple Crossroads and Magick, keeper of wisdom, teacher of the wise, and protectress of those who are different and have been rejected or abandoned by society. She presides over magic, ritual, prophetic vision, childbirth, death and the secrets of regeneration. She holds the powerful energy of the new moon for transition as well as the energy of the full moon for release. She is a Triple Goddess who is generous with her powerful gifts of maiden energy, motherly guidance, and crone wisdom.
She is known as “The Queen of the Night” for her connection to the spirit world, ghosts and magick. She is often invoked for communing with the dead and helping those who need a bridge to loved ones on the other side. She rules over the dark passages in life, especially those that leave us at transformative crossroads.